Sunday, April 1, 2012

Do you have interest in Pinterest?

click on logo to learn more!
Have you heard of Pinterest? Are you "pinning" yet? If you are....why not share you board address here? If you're not, you are in for a real treat!
Pinterest is one of the hottest things going on the Internet these days. I love to surf and bookmark sites for later use. I find my "favorites" filled with lists of sites, but I can't always recall WHY I wanted to go back to the site and I spend a lot of time clicking through a long list of sites.
Enter PINTEREST! With Pinterest I can save IMAGES....I am so visual that this form of bookmarking by PICTURES is right up my alley!! You can save images to "boards" by whatever categories make sense to you. I have boards for home, school, quotes and more. You can visit another person's board, click on images they have "pinned" and visit the actual website they got the image from, and you can also "repin" the same image to your own board. I don't know if this is making sense, why not just give it a can visit my Pinterest board to see what I mean:

Follow Me on Pinterest
Click around and I am pretty sure you'll want to get your own account! There are no fees and plenty of boards to search....just know...after a few clicks, you'll be HOOKED! :-)
Don't forget, if you are already "on board", leave us a comment so we can follow you too! ;-)