Friday, August 10, 2007

Across the Globe...

Hello Everyone. I want to share with you a blog link that was sent to me from Dean Shareski, it's from Jody Hayes, a classroom teacher for 5 & 6 year olds in New Zealand. I LOVE this site. Jody has set up a fantastic way for her students to share connect and collaborate. I love how the site includes not only postings by the teacher, but the students post as well! It matches the image I have in my mind of what we (Early Childhood Educators) can do with Web 2.0 tools and the integration of these tools into our curriculum. Jody breaks the myth that these tools are only for the "older students". Thanks Jody!
Dean also recommended Kathy Cassidy's classroom blog. WOW, another fabulous site! I will have to read deeper into, I want to know what part of the globe they are posting from.
Please take the time to visit these classroom blogs and see for yourself the possibilities that the tools hold. I am anxious to find more sites to share with you here.

A BIG THANKS to you Dean for your comments and pointing my mouse in their direction! WOW, I can't wait to explore more of their postings as well and investigate links and blogs they find of interest. But first I'll get a little breakfast or it'll be time for lunch and I will wonder where the time went and how I managed to forget to eat (again) ;-) Thanks again Dean!



Cindy said...

This is a blog created and updated by/for Kindergarten students.

I also posted it under "Blogs of Interest".

Cindy said...

A fellow blogging educator (Tony Powell) shared this site with me... I've added both blogs, Tony's and Rachel's to our list. Thanks Tony.

Kate said...

Just looked at Cassidy's site. WOW! Opens new windows of possibilities!

Cindy said...

I know, there are several blogs listed here that we could use as models. Take a look at some of the ones the kids have written. Such a good idea. I can't wait to get my class blog going.


Anonymous said...

i think that this will be a great way to share ideas , etc... I'm excited about this new opportunity. I teach at Parkwood.

Anonymous said...

Jody Hayes here, thanks for the big compliment... Voyagers and I were REAlly excited to read this. Kathy Cassidy and her class are our wonderful blogging buddies. Kathy is in Moose Jaw, Canada. Please feel free to email either of us if we can help in anyway (Kathy would absolutely not mind me putting that! promise!!!!) Her class is back at school anyday now, Voyagers are missing them a lot.
You can contact me on

Cindy said...

Thank you so much for taking a look at our blog and posting your comments here. As you can see, we are in the beginning stages here for our blog. We both excited and nervous. ;-)
We will keep our eyes on the Voyagers and Kathy for guidance and inspiration. Again, thanks for your response.


Room 14 said...

Hi there!

So great to see other classes out there blogging! I'm in my second year of doing blogging with my class...last year it was more podcasting than blogging, but this year it's the real-deal. (-:
Feel free to check us out at:

We're a Year 1 and 2 class in Auckland, New Zealand.

Ian Nash