Saturday, August 20, 2011

Blog Searching?

Whether you are new to the world of blogging, or you've been at it for a while, it's still very easy to get lost and overwhelmed. If you are like me, you start at one blog......follow a link.....jump to another, then another and before you know it you need a GPS just to find you way back to your first blog again.
I belong to a network of teachers who blog, perhaps you've heard of it...TEACHING BLOG ADDICT.
I will warn you, it's very easy to become addicted to the site. ;-)
We recently pooled our efforts to create grade level pages to help followers find their way through the plethora of blogs. We sorted them and here is a link to the Kindergarten Blogs Page while you're there, take a peek at Kindergarten Tales (that's my classroom blog), Kindergarten Crayons and Kindergarten Works are really worth a look as well. Fran and Leslie are AWESOME!
 You'll find many great resources  on the Teacher Resources Page too. I have a different blog there called In The Teachers' Lounge. 
Don't hesitate to sign up as a follower to the blogs you like. You can even sign up to get email alerts when your favorite blogs are updated, so you don't have to worry about taking time to visit the blog only to find nothing new has been added.
 Many of the teachers offer Freebies to download and Give-aways so check those out as well.
Here are some awesome Pre-K and First Grade blogs to check out! Just be prepared...once you get started looking, it will be very hard to stop! ;-)
Several of us also have an online shop where you can find freebies, purchase worksheets, lesson plans and units to use in your classroom. These items are inexpensive, yet valuable resources. Check out Teachers Notebook. My shop is there as well Shopping in the Teachers' Lounge. Take a look around some of the teacher's shops. I am sure you will find something you like in several of the shops!
Another popular site is Teachers Pay Teachers. TPT is the same type of site, full of resources for teachers. All created by teachers for teachers!
Again, feel free to Follow the sites you like and take your time as you work you way through them all.
Happy surfing!


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